Saturday, November 16, 2013

First visit with the Ob/Gyn

Our carrier "graduated" from the fertility clinic and is now seeing a new ob/gyn.  On Thursday, she established care and had another ultrasound at the new office and this time her husband videotaped the ultrasound for us!!  The baby sitting lower in her uterus was easy to see from the get-go and his heart was just fluttering away like crazy.  It was a good profile shot so his head and little stubby appendages were visible and looked just like the pics I've seen online for 9 week old embryos.  The baby sitting higher in the uterus took them a bit longer to get a decent shot but I could sort of make him out; not as clearly as the first one though.

According to our carrier, this appointment was VERY awkward but they were kind, they listened and gave easy to understand information.  This is a new ob/gyn for her so when she initially set up the appt with the nurse, the nurse started to ask her all about her medical history assuming that she was the biological mother and also about the fathers history.  Obviously she didn't know this info right off hand and so she had to explain to the nurse this unique situation.  The nurse and our carrier had a good laugh on the phone about it all and I'm sure the ob/gyn office will find their new patient quite interesting.

Our carrier has confidence in the OB since she has experience with twins and also because she is not a proponent of interventions without evidence backed practice which sits well with her (and with me).  We'll likely have more ultrasound scans with the twins because while fundal height (a measure of the size of her uterus to assess fetal growth and development) is a good indicator of growth for a singlet, it doesn't give a clear picture of whether twins are growing like they should.  They will keep an eye on the placentas as they develop and since there is a higher chance of gestational diabetes due to the extra placental hormones, they will also closely monitor her blood-sugar levels.

Overall, the OB was optimistic about the pregnancy, happy with her weight gain and blood pressure and felt good with the records of her other pregnancies.  Everything is going well!

She now has a first trimester screening (blood work and a high quality scan) on December 4th so hopefully we can get some pics to share on this blog and then a regular OB visit on December 12th.

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