Our carrier had another ultrasound today and she told me that the doctor was able to see both babies right away and that they are measuring right on at 8 weeks; 8 weeks 4 days for one of them and the other at 8 weeks 0 days. Not sure why there is a four day difference since insemination and transfer all happened at the same time but I guess the one guy is just a hair bigger.
On the ultrasound, the baby on the left was laying on his back and the other seemed to be standing up on the right side of her uterus. Our carrier said that they look like little sea monkeys with stubby appendages; cute sea monkeys of course.
The doctor at the fertility clinic said that everything looked great and that our carrier will now "graduate" to her regular ob/gyn. Her first ob appointment is on Nov. 11th which I think will be fairly uneventful; should just be establishing care, no testing.
I was hoping to hear about the heart rate of the twins but apparently no value was given, the report only stated that "cardiac activity" was observed. Kind of frustrating really but hopefully we can get some numbers at the appointment next week. The normal fetal heart rate ranges from 120-180 beats per minute (adults average 80-85 bpm) so as long we're in that range, I'll start to worry less about any potential miscarriage.
The next ultrasound will be at 12 weeks when the first trimester ends so there likely won't be any updates on the blog until then unless something major happens.
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