We flew out to Wisconsin this past weekend to visit with our carrier and her family but we also had the 28 week ultrasound appt with our doctor and a meeting with our attorneys.
We were thankful that it was 30 degrees on the positive side of the thermometer instead of on the negative side like it was back in January but it was still too cold to do anything outside. Our appointments with the doctor and the attorneys were both on Monday so the weekend was basically spent catching up on sleep, going to the movies and watching tv. Not that I'm complaining because I know that will all change here in the next couple of months but I was ready for Monday morning to come.
At the doctors visit, we had an ultrasound tech that had 30+ years experience so she was super zippy with that wand on her belly. She got all the measurements she needed to get and was very thorough but we didn't get any good ultrasound pics to take home and share. I mean, we got a femur, an ear, and a shot of their cranium which is basically just a white circle....nothing to really gush over. I was a little disappointed so I asked if we could get some 3D pics. She was very accommodating but she did warn us that since there wasn't much fluid in the sacs, the quality wouldn't be as good as they were for the 20 week pics. She was right.
Twin A has a heartbeat of 134 and approximately weighs 2 lbs 11 oz. Twin B's heartbeat is 129 and weighs 2 lbs 7 oz. Everything at the appt went well and the doc said that the girls looked great. Oh right....so remember the white spots on their hearts that the doc was a little concerned about? Well they are completely gone now! It just reaffirms what I read online and what I heard from other parents that were told this; that these spots are nothing to worry about and that they will likely disappear. I wasn't overly concerned about them but it was lingering in my mind so it was a definite relief to hear this news.
After the doctors visit we headed over to the attorneys office to sign some paperwork. It turned out that there was a lot more involved legally than I had originally thought. Of course we had twice as many documents to review and sign so we were there for quite some time. Since we were able to sign the all the documents before the girls made their arrival, the attorneys will file the court documents this week and we will get a court date in the next couple of weeks to meet with the judge. The court process is pretty routine apparently. In short, we will have to acknowledge that we will be the parents of the twins, assume all financial responsibility, etc and our carrier and her husband also have to show up and testify that they have no biological relation to the babies and will not seek to gain parentage.
A super big advantage to doing the court stuff before the girls actually get here will mean that we won't have to stick around for a couple of weeks after they're born. Now that we'll have our court date in the next couple of weeks where the judge signs all the paperwork, all the attorneys will have to do is take the signed documents to the dept of vital records the day the girls are born and we'll get our birth certificates just hours later! If we waited to sign the documents after they were born, we would've had to stay in WI until our court date came up which would have been weeks later. Now, assuming there's little or no NICU time in the hospital, we can leave just days after birth!!
Our attorneys should contact me this week sometime and give us the court date. We'll likely just fly out that morning and fly back that night. The whole process apparently only takes an hour or so.
Let the third and final trimester begin!!!